Science Night
Tuesday, May 14th
5 pm - 7 pm
6th Grade Promotion Pictures on April 17th
School Site Council Meeting in the library at 3:15
Wednesday, April 10th
Booster Club Meeting
3:15 in the library
April 9th
Join us at 8:00 am in front of the office April 12th for our Parent Cafe
Spring Break 2024
No School Monday, April. 1 - April 5th
School RESUMES Monday, April 8th
No School
Friday, March 29th
Food Distribution
Tuesday, March 5th 3:45 - 4:15
in front of school
Booster Club Meeting
Tuesday, March 5th
3:15 - 3: 45
Spring Photos
Tuesday, March 5th
Minimum Days
Tuesday, February 27th
Wednesday, February 28th
Thrusday, February 29th
Dismissal times:
TK - 3rd: 12:55 pm
4th - 6th: 1:15 pm
Vocab Parade
Friday, March 1st 8:20 am
Parents must check into the office
Read Across America Week
Dress up days as follows:
Monday: Wear your favorite color
Tuesday: Dress as your favorite book character
Wednesday: Wacky Wednesday
Thursday: Dress a s a Super Hero or Villain
Friday: Vocab Parade...dress up as creative as you would like to define your word
Book Fair Info
Monday, February 26 to Friday, March 1 in the library: Book fair is open to families after school from 1:15pm to 3:00pm. It will also be open for a special celebration- DR. SUESS’ BIRTHDAY BASH on Wednesday, February 28 from 3:00pm to 5:00pm.
Monday, January 22
100th Day of School
Food Distribution
Tuesday, January 9
345 - 415
Tuesday, Jan 9
Booster Club Meeting
315 - 345
School Resumes
Wednesday, January 2nd
December 18th - January 2nd
Winter Break
No School
Friday, December 15th Minimum Day
Dismissal Time TK - 3rd 12:55pm
4th - 6th 1:15 pm