EUSD has been working these past several months to create and implement a district-wide ‘Literacy for All’ initiative. Learning to read in the first years of primary school is critical for knowledge, comprehension, application of complex concepts, and success in future grades. Literacy is the cornerstone of academic development. Proficient literacy leads to better health, and better educational opportunities. High literacy rates have been found to correlate to everything from better access to career opportunities, increases self-esteem, increases a sense of empowerment, and provides measurable benefits for health and safety. Thus, our ‘Literacy for All’ mission will provide all EUSD students with a comprehensive literacy program at all grade levels which will help all students reach grade level literacy proficient levels and beyond. A task force consisting of many EUSD teachers across the district are working collaboratively with Reading Expert and California Reading Hall of Fame Distinguished educator Dr. Doug Fisher to create, plan and implement a Literacy Road Map for our district. Over the next several years EUSD teachers and families will be provided training and supports to successfully implement our ‘Literacy for All’ mission. Over 100 staff members attended Literacy Training and Program Development with Dr. Fisher and his team the week of July 19-23. By the beginning of school on August 9, 2021 all EUSD faculty will have been trained and prepared to implement our Literacy for All Road Map. We look forward to your joining us on our ‘Literacy for All’ mission for the benefit of your student and all students. You can expect EUSD sharing bi-weekly Literacy Development updates with all EUSD parents throughout the 2021-2022. Also, we look forward to your participation at our frequent Literacy Achievement Celebrations to recognize the student achievement and growth.

Literacy for All
July 19, 2021